Lebanon 2013 Elections

Lebanon 2013 Elections

Your Own

by Admin on 09/01/11

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by Admin on 08/24/11

As a Lebanese.. especially Maronite and Christian Melkite, Syrian Catholic or Orthodox, Greek Orthodox or protestant DO YOU SUPPORT BATRAK RAI in his quest to change the Lebanese elections laws?

As a Lebanese American Emigrant will you vote in 2013

by Admin on 08/21/11

You have been in the USA for a while and you are now an American citizen and have voted in the US presidential elections.
Will you register to vote in the upcoming Lebanese 2013 elections/
It is shameful that only 3700 Lebanese American have registered.

Will you vote in 2013 Lebanon Elections

by Admin on 08/09/11

As a Lebanese American will you vote in the 2013 general elections of the parliament?

As for American Lebanese (2-4 generations) will you vote if your are given your legal vote as a Lebanese Nationalist (without losing any of your American rights)?

Let us hear from all of you